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Sunday, August 2, 2009 Y
4:08 PM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

Woots... Everyone, new committee reporting in... The new chairman here,
oh my, this blog is so dead even i do not want to see it.
Haha, anyway, plz help one another,
and please bring your instrument home to practice
as the end of year concert is coming
and we surely would not want to disgrace ourselves
on stage. Right...

Also, for the new committee, i just gt an assignment from ms wong
,we need to plan a game of tchoukball match for the whole CO
DATE:7 AUGUST 2009(FRIDAY) if i am not wrong
I will update you all next week
during class. Yep, so stay tuned for further update.
We might also need to meet during the week.
I will try to get more information from Ms Wong.

Expectations: Plz treat me like a senior during cca,
do not joke or play with me during cca.
Although i know i am fun to play with.
But you can joke with me
outside of cca.
No handphone.
Practice as hard as possible.
Respect your seniors, teachers and instructor.
Do your homework and hand them up puntually.
Do not skip cca unless there is special reasons.
No scolding of the F word,
if not you will need to do it in front of us.
Do not take climb over our head.
Do not take everything for granted.
Yep, that is all.

LASTLY:Since the sec 4s are stepping down
we should thank them.
haha, anyway
3 cheers and 3 cheers and 3 cheers for sec 4s
hiphip hooray...
hiphip hooray...
hiphip hooray...

LOVE (sounds gross)

Saturday, August 1, 2009 Y
7:37 PM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

okay i'm like here to post after about 4 months.
i seriously doubt there's still ppl who comes here.

okay, so today was the announcing of new committee. (:
and the old committee's stepping down alr.
i'm sure there'll be some who are quite unhappy with the results.
but this is life, it doesn't always work the way you like.
so we'll all just have to learn how to accept things that we dislike.
yes yes, okay, i'm not going to elaborate and talk about what teachers in school will say.
but the point is that, the results are alr fixed.
so learn to accept it because you're going to work with this new committee. (:

so yes, it's time for the super touching, cry-me-a-river post now.
HAHAHAHA, yes lah, i'm damn sarcastic.
but these will be somethings that i will wanna say to all of you okayyyy.
dont feel offended by ANYTHING i'm going to say.

let's break them down to levels, just like what weihao did last year. (:
okay hello you all little kids.
i know i shouldn't be calling you people little kids cause most of you are taller than me.
HAHAHA. but yes.

you're all new. (okay. not really)
and i'm sure you'll aren't really close to your seniors.
but i'm sure many of them are nice peeps and you can approach them for help okay.
work well with them.

and don't ever think of quitting c.o!
not because without you guys we will have very little ppl. (okay, maybe)
but i seriously think c.o is a cca where you can gain experience, have fun, make new friends and blahhhhh.
so DON'T ever think of quitting.

all these hyper kids.
not all but most of you.
time passes so fasttttt, i still recall how we actually called all of you sec1s last year.
but it feels like it's just a yesterday thing.
imagine next year all the guys are going to wear long pants. woah.

i'm glad to see all of you working well, hyper-ing and having fun in c.o.
don't roll your eyes. i'm serious.

i'm sure you guys went through/are going to go through alot.
end-of-year concert last year.
syf this year.
hk trip next year. (hopefully!)
and syf the year after again.
so please work hard!

i'm quite sure there isn't any major problems now.
all doubts, misunderstandings cleared.
and i'm super glad.
work hard peeps.
last year in outram next year.
strive for the best and contribute as much.
c.o is fortunate to have you guys as new committee.
for those who doesn't have any positions, contribute as members.
because all of you are as important.

we're these pathetic 8 souls.
no matter what, we've done our best and it's time to let things go and concentrate on o's.
i'm so glad to have worked with you guys, and i'm glad to have c.o mates like all 7 of you.
let's all do well for o's.
do ourselves, miss wong, mrs francis, mr chen and c.o proud!
jiayouuuu! (:

i'm really glad i've cleared all those hatred between some of us.
and i know some of you may feel unfair about the positions.
like why this person got position i don't know.
why he/she got two positions, i don't even have 1/only have 1.
i need to emphasis that, positions is not the main point.
whatever it is, we're c.o.
we're ONE familly.
we don't have to break up into different cliques/groups.
we belong together as one.
so please, no matter what.
work well with the committee.
we all wish for the best, don't we? (:

i'm sure we don't wanna feel how we felt during syf again 2 years later.
so let's all be prepared for the battle early, with confidence and skills of course.
we can really achieve what we want.

不要问 c.o 能给你什么
先问问自己能给 c.o 什么.
(dont ask what you can get from c.o.
ask how you can contribute first.)

also, appreciate what you have.
amazing teachers-in-charge, instructors, committee members, graduated students coming back to help and the alumni.
all of them spend extra time to make things work for c.o.
believe it or not, every single one of them is contributing alot.
so appreciate them, and make them feel appreciated.
it makes them feel better, and worth the hard work.

jiayou all of you.
i can't wait for the syf two years later.


Sunday, April 26, 2009 Y
11:12 PM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

so yes, here to blog.

so yes, c.o got bronze.
only bronze.
honestly, it was damn ironic.
before they announced the results,
many people were just sitting around.
camwhoring, talking, laughing, smiling and everything.
i was camwhoring with my girls.
but when the person was out to announce the results.
i bet everyone was damn worried.

so before our school, it was chua chu kang sec.
and they announced the results by order of our schools.
when they just started, i just started praying.
and i just started being VERY SCARED.
and yes, by the time they said "CHUA CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL"
my tears rolled down alr.
i was damn scared.
damn scared to hear the results for our school.
and after that, i just heard "OUTRAM SECONDARY SCHOOL, 欧南中学, bronze, 铜"
cried like mad. i don't know why.
it's just that. i can't control my tears.

there's too many reasons alr.
firstly, i think that we all deserve so much better than a bronze.
i can see all the hard work everyone is putting in.
really. everyone memorising the scores.
turning up for practices, INTENSIVE practices.
putting up with teachers' nags, and scoldings.
and when we were practicing on tues,
just one day before the SYF,
we added movements which was damn last minute.
and really, i know how embarrassing you all feel.
but still, everyone trying their best.
to do everything that can get us a silver.

secondly, all the encouraging messages.
i mean really, when i was crying.
there were alot of ppl who came up to me and told me not to cry.
"most importantly, we did our best. you're a gd chairperson."
and everything.
really, all these made me cry more.
but yes, i really need all these encouragements,
to keep me going and all. (:
so thankyou people.

thirdly, miss wong.
she's been SUPER encouraging.
like many many people just don't really know how much she contributed.
and really don't know how to appreciate that.
many just don't know how much stress she's under.
and through all these practices,
miss wong has been with us, sitting in the music room/mbox to listen to us.
video taping us. to let us know about our unnecessary movements, then correct them.
worrying about our health.
you know when i requested for mac breakfast for all of you,
she was actually worried you all would be hungry before we go up the stage.
and wanted to order old chang kee for all of you or something.
but it was damn heaty, so i told her there's no need to.
seriously, and after that.
when we were changing.
she came up to synyu, baoyi and i.
gave us all a pat on the shoulder.
and told us we did our best.
sometimes, it's all these small things that make me cry again.
i just feel that i'm not gd enough.
i'm not gd enough to lead c.o to greater heights.
to achieve at least a silver.
like after SYF when i see her,
i feel this sense of guilt.
don't really know why.
but seriously.
thankyou miss wong,
for always being there, always encouraging me,
giving me the chance as a chairperson,
guiding me, and all that you've done.
i don't know what c.o will become if you're not around.
REALLY. you're the best!
thankyou for the messages you sent me after the SYF.
i know you're sad too, because we ONLY got a bronze.
but still, you put on a smile to cheer us up.
telling us we improved, we did our best, we made you proud.
i really don't know how to thank you.
because you've really done alot.

all the instructors teaching us.
especially mr pang. and shimu.
they've been giving me so many advices.
but i know i haven't been doing my best.
i'm sry, and thankyou.
because i know it's not easy being a conductor.
having to conduct an orchestra which was NEVER a full orchestra.

all the members.
when i see you people cry.
i KNOW you people care.
although you people make me flare up sometimes.
but when you all turn up for practices.
try your best to do all the things that we requested.
and when you cry/am unhappy.
i know you care for ossco.
thankyou mabel for the encouraging message.
thankyou suting and peishan for that hug.
thankyou tingyan, jessie, gloria and valarie for helping me tie my hair/make up for me.
thanks for everything really.
i hate to have conflicts with ANY one of you.
i HATE to be hated by any single one of you.
because when we just stepped up as a committee.
chris told us "sure have to have one gd person, and another bad"
and so, i'm the bad person.
because i know i can't stay calm, smile and just ASK why you don't turn up/turn up late.
because i can only scream and shout and give this attitude face.
because i just CAN'T be that calm.
i'm sry if i've been soooo irritating, and stuffs.
i'm sry if i've done anything wrong.
but still, thankyou all for tolerating me, and still working and cooperating with me.

committee members.
all of us have been setting examples.
and working hard together to get this c.o going.
thankyou everyone for sharing the burden with me.
thankyou everyone for working hard together.
i may not have set the best example and stuffs.
but still, thankyou all for contributing.

at the end of the day,
i'm sure all of you won more than a bronze.
you'll have gained experience.
with this experience, i hope ALL OF YOU, will strive harder.
TRY harder, work harder and achieve more than a bronze two years later.
it's good, if you've done your very best.
but if you've not.
i'm SURE you won't want to feel the same 2 years later.
so put in MORE effort, time. and do your best.
DON'T EVEN REGRET. because it'll too late.
i may not be a gd chairperson. but i've tried my best.
AND i'm still trying my best.
it's not easy being a chairperson. really.
at times, i've been wanting to give up.
and not bother about c.o ANYMORE.
but there's always something pulling me back.
and only after they announced the results for our school for SYF,
then i know how much i care about this c.o.
and how much i wanna be with this c.o. for long.

before i actually step up.
i counted. 4 big events.
first, the camp.
then the end year concert.
third, recruitment.
forth, SYF.
in between, we also had events like performing for the water polo people.
performance during chinese new year.
speech day, teacher's day performance. and so on.
then i told myself,
after all these, i'm going to step down.
and won't have to care about c.o anymore. HOORAY.
but now, i wish i can spend more time.
more fun times, not only during practices.
but have more outings, more bbqs and stuffs.

this is such a long post.
so many things to say.
but yes, that's all i guess.
i hope all of you will still strive for the best after committee has stepped down.
and rmb me, as the first chairWOMAN.
wait, am i even the first? i don't know.
but all these years, since 05 to 08,
all were guys. so yes. (:
thankyou all for being so nice, and cooperative. (:
cya all in school.
keep smiling and stay happy.


p/s: pictures up soon okay. (:
post too long alr. hahahaha. (:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 Y
5:25 AM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks


Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Y
5:43 AM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

i totally forgot the user and pw for this blog.
because i haven't been coming in for the longest time everrrrr.
hahahaha. (:

anyway guys,
SYF's just tmr.
and i have tons of hw to do now.
but yet i'm blogging for all of you to read.
so please be touched. (:

okayyyyyyy, so yuppp.
the big day is JUST tmr.
please please please be disciplined and do your best okay.
imagine we've been having intencive practices just for tmr and you screw it up.
it's DAMN not worth it.
so please prove to everyone that we can do it.
i'm sure if you all put in effort, it's possible. (:

anyway, after SYF, we'll be having a long break.
and that's actually when committee is suppose to be stepping down.
but miss wong says we're only going to step down after speech day.
so i'll leave my mushy speech till then okayy. (:

and for all old seniors who wanna come watch/support us.
our slot is on wed, 22nd of april.
11.40a.m. (:
i only know weihao will be there so far.
any other seniors going? please text me. (: thanks.

okayyyyyy. so,
we can all do it. (:
have confidence and faith in yourself.
it's not the results that we're looking at.
it's if you've done your best or not. (:

think the next post here will be after our SYF.
i'll post the results here so others who don't know can read it from here.
okayyyyy, gone now to do my hw. -.-
byeeeee. (:

Friday, March 20, 2009 Y
7:50 PM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

hahaha. it's been really long since the last time i've updated.
more than one month ago.
but i'm really busy.
so yahhhhhh. hahaha.

anyway, like what i've told all of you.
our SYF date will be on the 22nd of April.
which means, we only have about 1 month more to practice.
and by now, i hope all of you have memorised your scores.
because i said by mid-march right?
hahahaha. so yes.

i know all of you are tired.
but it's just one more month,
so let's all work hard together okayyyyy.
i'm sure we can do it! :D
jiayou jiayou.

okay, i have nothing more to blog about.
just updating this, because teckjin, your beloved senior,
wants me to do so. (:

cya all on monday!
woah, not bad right.
first day of school can see your ever-so-beautiful chairperson.
okay, i was joking. (:
gdbyeeee. (:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 Y
7:22 PM ; C.O Rocks Your Socks

hey peeps.
i'm sry i've been so busy i've not updated for so long.
busy with work, c.o and my own blog. =x
HAHAHAH. okayyyy.

so here goes.
i've just checked out the dates for SYF.
and it's 20th-22nd of april.
i'm not sure which day our school is involved,
but yes, PLEASE be prepared.

for all the SYF participants,
i'm sure you all will be bored of always playing 'song of cicada'
but yes, we have to practice.
so don't whine and jiayou alright!
hahaha. a few more months to go and we'll be able to enjoy our break that miss wong promised us!

also, i know it's tiring to have practices thrice a week.
i can't help it but complain at times toooo! (SHHHH)
but yeah, just turn up and tolerate for a while more,
like i said.
no pain, no gain right?
i'm sure nobody wants a C.O.P for SYF.
i want at least a Silver! HAHAH.

and for all the sec1s,
please do practice hard too,
and if you have difficulties or doubts,
do approach your seniors and i'm sure they'll lend a helping hand.
because SYF is approaching,
i'm afraid that instructors may be focusing on the SYF participants.
don't feel left out, if you have questions, please ask. (:

i wanna thank all who have been turning up for all the practices.
it's tough, and we will strive together as an orchestra!
we can do it! jiayou jiayou!

and on a side note.
for those who are requesting for pictures,
here's some taken long ago!
we(concert committee) had a dinner treat from miss wong.
to celebrate the success of the concert,
and we took some pictures after that.

i'm off! see you all during c.o! byeeeee.


Traditional Music Will Never Be The Same Again.



December 2008, January 2009, February 2009, March 2009, April 2009, August 2009,


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